
Improving Care Transitions with the Medicaid Reentry Section 1115 Demonstration OpportunityUnderstanding the Medicaid 1115 Opportunity

The Medicaid Reentry Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity, launched in 2023 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), marks a significant shift in how we approach healthcare for individuals transitioning from incarceration back into the community. As a health IT vendor specializing in correctional healthcare services technology, Fusion sees this initiative (sometimes referred to […]

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Correctional EHR Systems: Bridging the Gap Between Healthcare and Custody Staffimage about how correctional ehr systems can bridge gap between nurses and corrections

In correctional facilities, the well-being of incarcerated individuals hinges on effective collaboration between healthcare and custody staff. But sharing critical health information while maintaining privacy and security can be a delicate balancing act. Modern correctional EHR systems are stepping up to bridge this gap, acting as a central hub for seamless communication and information exchange […]

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Specialized EHRs vs. General EHRs: Which One Is Right for Your Agency?Picture of a square peg in round hole illustrating general vs. specialized EHRs

Picture this scenario. You work for a correctional facility, and your team is attempting to implement a general, one-size-fits-all EHR system—it seemed like the best option at the time as you considered choosing a specialized EHR vs. a general EHR. Your findings? The rigid workflows in that system clash with established security protocols at your […]

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The Key to Successful Reentry: Corrections EHR Software and Continuity of CareElectronic health record software and improving continuity of care

The path to successful reentry for incarcerated individuals is fraught with challenges. But one tool has emerged as a crucial ally in this journey: the electronic health record (EHR). EHRs enable seamless data sharing with community healthcare providers, ensuring uninterrupted care for individuals upon release from incarceration. The comprehensive nature of EHRs allows correctional facilities […]

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Navigating Correctional Healthcare with the Right EHR: Why It Matters

Healthcare within sheriff’s departments, jails, detention centers, and juvenile justice facilities is uniquely complex. These environments require specialized tools to meet their demanding needs. One such tool is corrections-specific electronic health records (EHRs), which are essential for managing the distinctive challenges and enhancing the quality of care in these facilities. Understanding the Unique Challenges  Correctional […]

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Save Money and Streamline Procurement with Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for EHRs

Managing a secure healthcare setting—whether it’s a correctional facility, psychiatric hospital, or other specialized care unit—presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to procuring essential goods and services. Cooperative purchasing contracts (CPCs) offer a streamlined and cost-effective solution, especially when acquiring critical health IT solutions like electronic health records (EHRs) and pharmacy management systems. What […]

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How Tech Transforms Medication Management in CorrectionsTechnology is changing med management for the better.

An inmate is suffering a preventable medical emergency due to a medication error. In the high-stakes environment of correctional healthcare and medication management, where lives are on the line, this isn’t just an error. It’s a crisis. Medication management and medication errors are serious concerns in any healthcare setting, but in correctional facilities, the unique […]

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EHR Security: How Single Sign-On Prevents Data Breaches in HealthcareEHR Security - Why SSO Is Important image

In the increasingly digital landscape of healthcare, protecting electronic health record (EHR) data and ensuring robust EMR security from cyber threats is paramount. Data breaches and cyberattacks continue to target healthcare organizations, making comprehensive electronic health record security measures essential to safeguarding patient information. One proven strategy gaining traction for enhanced EHR security is the […]

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